Job Coaching Service

Job Coaching

A job coach is known by several professional titles such as an employment specialist, job trainer, job consultant, vocational counselor, and staffing specialist. They are responsible for assisting a disabled individual with obtaining a job by creating a positive job match. The job coach is resource is for both the employee and the employer.

Possible funding sources for job coaching services are varied and should be explored further with your school, employer, or case manager. 

Job Coach Services

Our job coach does provides you ease with job search, placement, and successfully continuing the job. These are the main responsibilities of our job coach for you:-

  1. Assist client with identifying job interests and skill set
  2. Completes best-fit match between position and client
  3. Provides one-to-one onsite training
  4. Completes onsite integration assistance and education
  5. Provides job retention counselling, planning and assistance to both the client and the employer
  6. Maintains evaluation data for performance reporting

Benefits to Employers wanting to hire people with disabilities

Reduced Recruiting

Job coaches help business identify applicants through a pool of pre-screened candidates.

Accommodation Assistance

Job coaches can help and active accommodation needs and integration.

Training & Integration

Always onsite with employee & employer to ensure performance integration & retention success.

Text Credit Identification

Job coaches can help employers find possible tax credits such as the Work Opportunity tax credit.

Job Coaching Service FAQs & Benefits

Job coaches support both the individual with disability and the employer. Job coach will interact and provide consultation services to parents, community funding agencies, and other community support programs.

Supports and person-centered will vary from person to person. It is the role of the job coach to provide some or all of the following supports for the individual:-

  1. Advocacy
  2. Identification of interests and skills
  3. Identification of possible accommodations
  4. Job development and marketing services to businesses
  5. 1:1 onsite job coach to model behaviors
  6. Provide job training
  7. Provide ongoing job follow-up and retention services

Funding sources of supported employment services are varied. Many programs who employ job coaches have been approved to be a vendor services by DARS. In addition, medicaid waivers, schools, and local programs will provide funding for supported employment services to approved vendors.

Businesses have many questions for job coaches. Some of the typical questions your business may want to ask are:-

  1. Who pays for the time of the services of a job coach?
  2. Who is liable is job coach gets hurt at the work side?
  3. How long will the job coach be on-site?
  4. Can an agency provide the background check for job coach?
  5. How will I train an individual with disability?
  6. How can I accommodate individual with disability and is it expensive?
  7. Who can help me with the cost of accommodation?
  8. What happens if the person is not successful at the job?

If you’re an agency and want to hire an individual with disability having skill set of your choice then, contact us today by emailing us at or contact us via form

What are the benefits to businesses who utilize job coaches?

Businesses want to know if the investment in a program like this will help to increase their bottom-line and productivity. Hiring individuals with disabilities is an investment for the employer to become diverse.

Here are some benefits to know:-

  1. Job coaches reduce the time it takes businesses to locate workers by giving the business access to pre-screened candidates.
  2. The upfront work of job coach will competent the screening and hiring process of the business.
  3. Training and staff support from the job coach will dovetail with the style of the company. The job coach will ensure this continues until the new employee is completely up to speed. 
  4. Job coaches can assist with the identification of other accommodations for the company and be a resource for implementing these.
  5. Job coaches can assist the employer with finding possible tax credits such the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC).
  6. Job Coaches will be at the business to provide ongoing supports and job retention services.

I’m an Agency and want to hire individual with disability!

If you’re an agency and want to hire an individual with disability having skill set of your choice then, contact us today by emailing us at or fill the Contact form below.

Job coach

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