RISE Services for Virginia Employers

Highlighting RISE Services’ Employer Opportunities in the State of Virginia

Virginia Services


“Individual supported employment” means one-on-one ongoing supports that enable individuals for whom competitive employment at or above the minimum wage is unlikely, absent the provision of support, to work in an integrated setting.


1:1 services are provided by an experienced and trained job coach, who guides you through the process of finding a job that interests you, assisting with the application and interview process. A job coach is known by several professional titles such as: employment specialist, job trainer, job consultant, vocational counselor, and staffing specialist. Job Coaches are responsible for assisting individuals with disabilities obtain a job by creating a positive job match. The job coach is a resource for both the employee and the employer. Possible funding sources for job coaching services are varied and should be explored further with your school, employer, or case manager. 


Our job coaches provide you with ease of job searching, placement, and successfully continuing the job. These are the main responsibilities of our job coaches:
a) Assist clients with identifying job interests and skill sets.
b) Completes best-fit match between position and client.
c) Provides one-to-one onsite training.
d) Completes onsite integration assistance and education. e) Provides job retention, job counseling, planning, and assistance to the client and
the employer.
f) Maintains evaluation data for performance reporting.


An individual may already know the type of work he/she prefers, but many individuals are unsure of their skills and abilities. Without actual experience in a particular type of work environment, it may be difficult for an individual to decide which type of job will be the best fit. We will provide opportunities for an individual to try out jobs in which he/she has an interest for a brief period. Once given the opportunity to perform a job, the individual can make an informed decision about the job he/she would like to pursue. During the assessment, a RISE Services Job Coach will accompany the individual on the job site, evaluate their interest in and ability to perform the actual job tasks, and identify specific support needs. Information obtained during situational assessments is then used to help the individual to determine the most appropriate job goal and then develop a plan, called the Individualized Service Plan (ISP) or an Individual Plan for Employment. This document is completed with the input and participation of the individual to assist the individual in obtaining his/her job goal.

Situational Assessment services are not mandatory for all individuals. Still, they may be recommended as a useful tool for individuals who would like to develop a vocational goal, for individuals with no prior work history, for individuals who have been absent from the workforce for an extended period, and for individuals who have suffered an injury or illness that has affected cognitive function or that has limited physical strength and stamina. This service is only offered in Virginia via DARS or Medicaid Waiver.


“Workplace Assistance Services” are supports provided to an individual who has completed job development and completed or nearly completed job placement training (i.e. supported employment) but requires more than the typical job coach services to stabilize his employment. These services are supplementary to individual supported employment services. These services are only offered in Virginia through the Medicaid Waiver.